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Codes and Standards

There are several codes and standards that specify floor safety, particularly regarding slip resistance. These standards help ensure that flooring materials are safe for use in various environments.


Slip Resistance


ANSI/TCNA A326.3-22 -  Dynamic Coefficient of Friction (DCOF) of Hard Surface Flooring Materials


This standard outlines the test method for measuring the dynamic coefficient of friction (DCOF) of hard surface flooring materials. It specifies the testing procedure using a portable tribometer to assess slip resistance under both wet and dry conditions. The standard sets minimum DCOF values for different types of surfaces to ensure safe pedestrian movement.  Floor Friction's certified walkway auditors test to this ANSI A326.3 standard using the BOT3000E tribometer.

To learn more about ANSI 326.3, here is a helpful blog post from Dur-A-Flex


Here are some other standards sometimes referenced:


ANSI/NFSI B101.1: Developed by the National Floor Safety Institute, this standard focuses on the assessment of wet static coefficient of friction (SCOF) of various flooring surfaces. It sets guidelines for the use of various tribometers and defines SCOF values that indicate acceptable slip resistance.


ASTM E303: Also known as the British Pendulum Test, this standard measures the slip resistance of flooring materials by simulating a heel strike. It uses a pendulum-type device to assess the frictional properties of a surface. This method is widely used in Europe and some other regions.


ASTM F1679 and ASTM F1677: ASTM F1679 outlines the Variable Incidence Tribometer (VIT) test method to measure the slip resistance of footwear on flooring materials. ASTM F1677, on the other hand, is used to measure the static coefficient of friction of footwear sole materials.


OSHA Regulations: The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) doesn't have a specific standard for slip resistance, but under the General Duty Clause (Section 5(a)(1)), employers are required to provide a safe workplace. OSHA refers to standards such as ANSI/NFSI B101.1 and ASTM E303 as industry practices for measuring slip resistance.


Building Codes and Regulations: Many building codes like IBC 1003.4 incorporate standards like ANSI A137.1for ceramic tile, and ANSI 326.3-22 for hard surface flooring, as references for acceptable slip resistance requirements. These codes ensure that flooring used in public spaces, commercial buildings, and other areas meet specific safety criteria.



Each of these standards aims to quantify and ensure slip resistance in various ways, often with specific testing methods and defined minimum values.



Means of Egress


2016 Connecticut Fire Safety Code1024.6.3 - Illumination
Luminous egress path marking systems or devices shall be continuously illuminated or shall illuminate within 10 seconds of a power failure. Illumination shall be maintained for a period of not less than 90 minutes following loss of power to the corridor within which the system or device is located.



How Floor Friction Will Help


It's important that you perform you due diligence in making your floors and walkways as safe as possible.   Because no single standard is universally accepted or perfect for all situations, Floor Friction is your trusted floor safety partner. Our experts will help you choose the best non-slip and visual solutions for your chosen floor type, based on the specific needs of the environment, as well as maintenance practices and cleaning methods, all to properly maintain slip-resistant surfaces.  Call us at 203-649-8720 to discuss your floor safety today. â€‹



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